Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
So many wonderful memories of past Christmas's. Beautiful trees, opening presents when we were children, the fun family dinners with all the cousins and aunts and uncles.
We went caroling and not only did you enjoy it but those who heard you did also.
As a girl scout we sometimes visited the nursing homes with gifts during the holidays and met wonderful seniors, some with great stories to tell.
Now that we are older, we no longer have some of those family members to help us celebrate but I do have the memories that my Mom and Dad left me with.
I am lucky that I still have my brother and cousins to share the holidays with.
Hoping that all of you have special family memories of the past and are busy making new memories of the future.
Merry Christmas to all.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Looking for Sales
Maybe the reason is we are not looking at our shops the way others do. Maybe if we each look at each others shops and give an honest opinion we can find some of those missing sales we are looking for.
Here are mine and
Any ideas for me.
Leave your links and others can look at yours and give some helpful advice also.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I am one of those crafters also so I have opened a supplies store on etsy to try to sell some of the extra craft supplies like fabric, buttons and jewelry making supplies.
There was a also a local craft shop closing and the deals were just too good I had to stock up in case I needed that item later. Well, it is now later and I still have not used it so off to the supplies shop.
What do you do with all of your extra stock?
Stop by, take a look, and give me some feedback about my new shop.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Creating New Items
Love looking through magazines for inspiration and just looking at what you have on hand to see what clever idea crosses your mind.
I walk every day and look for ideas in nature in the colorful fall leaves or the bare winter branches of the trees.
Sometimes I go into a fabric store and a piece of fabric just reaches out and grabs me and says take me home and you will find a use for me later. Can't resist those pieces.
Batting ideas back and forth between my sister and me also inspires me sometimes.
Note her blog from last night
She has great ideas for quilting in her blogs.
What do you do for inspiration for new projects?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Craft Show Displays
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Paul Bunyan Craft Show
Last weekend I did the Paul Bunyan craft show and that was a lot of fun.
We had a classic car show, craft show and a championship chainsaw carving contest to entertain us.
I was really lucky to be doing the show with two other really crafty Etsy girls. was there with her quilts. They are awesome and very affordable when you know how much work goes into each and every quilt. She makes some really special critter quilts and your pet should have one.
The other was and you have to take a look at her fairy sticks. She also makes very creative necklaces and yes, I had to buy one. Starting my Christmas shopping early.
Last show outside for the season. Won't miss putting up the tent and doing shows in the rain. It has rained almost every outside show this season but now look forward to the inside shows and the real beginning of the Christmas shopping season.
Hope all of you are having succesful craft shows this season also.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers day to my husbands dad. I never was lucky enough to meet him but I know he is really missed by his sons.
Happy Fathers Day to my husband and he is so proud of his son, daughter and grandson.
Happy Fathers Day to my brother and thank you for giving us three fun family members to brighten our life.
Happy Fathers Day to my husbands brother, who added two special kids to the family.
Happy Fathers Day to all of you fathers out there today. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Memorial Weekend Craft Show.
Imagine that this is the view that you have from your booth at the craft show? During the day, people were swimming and having picnics. Sailboats were slowly drifting by. What a fun time at a show and one that was a very succesful one also.
It is always fun to see the customers who have been shopping at your booth for several years, stop by and say hello and pick up a couple of things.
My booth happened to by next to two Etsy sellers.
had her soaps and purses with her and people really loved her soaps with a lighthouse or horse as the picture.
was also next to me and you would love her jewelry she makes. Could not resist buying one as a gift while I was there.
Love doing the shows, in spite of the sunburn, and look forward to the next show.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Etsy is just not bringing me any sales right now, so I have quit listing for a month and concentrating on my other shops.
My website needs some work and I wish I knew how to do websites so I could fix it and make it look better but I keep struggling with it.
Opened a Zibbet store.
Like the Zibbet store because it is easy to use for someone who is not good with computers. Had a sale there too.
Just opened an artfire store and working on that one too.
Having the stores not only helps you sell, hopefully, but also gives you a chance to meet some wonderful crafters and be amazed at the creative things that they make.
Are you expanding too?
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Happy Mothers Day
We were lucky that we were able to have so many Mother's days together.
Happy Mother's Day to my Mother in Law, Ruby. We all miss you also. We often talk about sitting around your table and the good food that you fixed. We are sending Mother's day thoughts to you.
Happy Mother's Day to my step daughter. What a terrific Mom she has been. We are really proud of her and the way she has raised her son.
Happy Mother's day to my sister in law, Patty. She can be so proud of her children and a special moment for her son who gradutates from college while she is sitting there so proudly. I know that they will be thinking of her today.
Happy Mothers day to my sister in law, Beth, who managed to raise two twin boys and a daughter to adulthood and survived to tell about it. I know all three will be thinking of her tomorrow and sending her wishes.
Happy Mother's Day to my cousin. What a wonderful Mother she has been to raise two intelligent, talented and fun daughters and one awesome, outstanding granddaughter that we are so proud of.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there also and may you have a day filled with wonderful memories.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hours and hours walking behind that rototiller but it does such a good job on getting the ground ready.
Have been adding to the compost pile and that is ready to use now too.
The we haul sand from the pile and add that to our rows.
Now we are ready to plant. Can you promise me it is not going to frost anymore this spring.
I am a believer in companion planting. Don't know for sure it works but I do try to follow it.
For those that don't know what that is, some crops grow better not being next to each other. For example cucumbers and melons and squash can cross polinate if planted close to each other.
We heard long ago that putting human hair scraps around the edge of the garden will help keep the deer away. I have been trying it but I do think the deer nibbled on my sunflowers last year.
I do plant marigolds because they are supposed to repel pests. Don't know if it works but it makes some color in the garden to enjoy.
Will do updates on the garden with pictures once it starts growing and then we start thinking about do we freeze, dry or can the produce for next winter. That is what we don't nibble on in the garden fresh like tomatoes and peas.
It is worth every bit of work for the fresh, healthy food we get from the garden.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
My Towels
Sometimes we don't take the time or we are too shy to get out there and let the world know what great craft products we make.
I put a lot of hours, not only making my craft products but looking for affordable towels to be able to make and compete in the market place.
My towels and other craft items are on Etsy, Zibbet and my own website.
Some of the other local artists, including my husband, have joined me on my website to sell their crafts.
Lets take the time and let people know we are proud of our work and you can buy from us with confidence that you will get a quality, handmade product at an affordable price.
Let us help each other spread the word. I would be glad to do a blog about your store, just let me know.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Craft Show Tips.
When Mom passed away, I continued on doing shows with my husband.
We still do towels but we no longer do plastic canvas. My husband sells his EPP foam radio control airplanes and he makes jewelry.
My tips for shows would be first. I always take soda or pop in bottles because I have bought a can at the show and knocked it over and had a mess. With a bottle you can cap it and if it tips over it is no big deal.
Yes, I have had customers bend over to look at something and spill pop out of their cans too.
Second. Take lots of change. You will need $1s, $5s and $10s and I always take a couple of rolls of quarters.
Third. Table covers. I use twin size sheets and they wash well and are not expensive.
Fourth. I try to have as much product as I can get made so my tables are full with a variety.
Fifth. Constantly keep straightening and I may rearrange the tables several times trying to find a display that works best for the customer.
Sixth. Take a chair but don't sit unless it is really slow. I always take a book too. Just be sure to say hi to each person that walks by and if possible make a comment to get them to respond like beautiful day or I love the picture on your sweatshirt, or I see you have already found some treasures.
Seventh. I do usually buy my lunch there as it is my treat but after a while you get tired of nothing but hot dogs and bring a sandwich. I do bring snacks.
Eighth. Keep the tubs under the table out of the way.
Nineth. Have fun with the customers and other vendors. Don't be afraid to ask what shows they do that really work for them. They will often want to compare shows with you too. Gives you a good way to find new shows.
Eleven. Take lots of business cards to put on table and I make a bunch that say thank you with my etsy, zibbet and website address on them and put them in every bag when I sell something.
I know I have forgotten some and will add them as my mind reminds me of them.
Most of all have fun at the shows and make money.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
In Memory of Mr. Ralph Scott
She introduced us to her father and he became part of the family.
We all loved him and we all were impressed by his artistic abilities. The man had a talent for painting.
I am lucky enough to have two of those oil paintings that he did for me.
When we do craft shows you would often find him sitting there drawing portraits of the children and never charging for them. He loved doing it for the children.
He proudly served his country and often told us stores of his time in the military.
He led a full life and is missed by a lot of people today.
Yesterday was his memorial service and we miss him.
His daughter is part of the Etsy family.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Zibbet and Etsy stores
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monsoon RC
We have only got one item listed so far.
He has done a lot of shows in the past and we need to start selling more online too.
He also has a website at
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
It is easier to get people to our Etsy store then it is our websites so why don't we list them here and share them so we can all get more traffic to both our website and other stores.
I have a website which is a collection of local crafters,
My husband has a website for radio control airplanes
One of our crafters on Straycatfarm also has an Etsy Store
Stop by and visit our websites and stores and give us the link so we can look at yours and perhaps one of us might get a sale.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
This is one magazine I look forward to so I can sit down and decide what I am going to plant this year.
With the price of food being high and the quality not always being the best, I would much rather just go out to the garden and pick something fresh right out of the garden.
We all know that tomatos never taste the same from the store as they do fresh from the plant.
The same with berries.
I do seem to have a problem picking fresh peas off the plant, as they find their way to my mouth instead of back in the house. Love the taste of fresh peas.
Time to make an order and then hope that spring comes early so we can get that garden rototilled and planted and then enjoy.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Heart Pendant for Valentines

I have found a wonderful store on Etsy that sells jewelry that is creative and fun and affordable.
The store is and her jewelry would make great Valentines gifts for someone special or a gift for someone just because you care or perhaps something special for yourself.
I picked the picture of the heart because it is so close to Valentines day and it is different then other hearts you might find. You can find heart earrings also.
She has a Celtic cross pendant and earrings and some Chinese Weave Earrings which are really creative.
She also has bracelets which she has created as a one of a kind item. Stop by her store and you will be surprised with the fun and affordable things she has made.
Let us know what you think about her store.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Etsy Sellers
Wondering if it would be ok to do a blog about some of those crafters or do you need to ask them for permission to write a blog about their store.
Let me know if you would like me to take a look and talk about your store.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
My cousin's cake was an angel food cake and I have memories of my Aunt making that one for me also.
Food can bring so many good and happy memories of birthdays, Christmas, holidays or just plain family parties.
Would like to know what some of your favorite food memories are.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Scented or Unsented.
Wildhorsefarms has been making soap and doing craft shows and is now going to sell her soap on etsy at,
We were wondering which type of soap would be the most popular. Scented or unsented.
Let us know which is your favorite choice.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monsoon RC Airplanes

After many years of radio control flying, he is now designing and selling radio control electic airplanes.
I also sell his planes at craft shows since they are homemade and we may set up an Etsy account for him.
In the meantime check out his website and blog.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Craft Applications
That means that we really have to get all those craft projects done for the shows that we said we were going to do this winter.
My plan was to have at least 300 crocheted top towels ready for spring and I might not make it to quite that amount. The big problem is finding affordable towels to crochet.
I plan to book about 15 shows this year and hope that passing out business cards to all will send more people into my Etsy, my website and my Zibbet store.
Are you already booking shows and how many are you going to do this summer?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
She has some cute pincushions on sale at a really good price. A large one and a small one for $5.00 like this heart set She has many other sizes and colors also.
You might like to check out her pet placemats to keep you floor clean under your pets bowls.
Take a look at her shop and let us know what you think.
Would be glad to mention other stores on my blog also, just let me know you are intersted.
Monday, January 11, 2010
It is fun to google new craft ideas and look in craft magazines. I was lucky enough to get a new craft magazine subscription for Christmas from a special cousin and now look forward to new ideas from there.
Where do you go to get new ideas? Do you venture far out from what you normally do?
Would love to hear what inspires you to come up with new and creative and hopefully sellable ideas.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Now that is just me and my crocheted top towels. My husband used to make jewelry but he is now back into his radio control airplanes instead at
You can find his jewelry on clearace at our Etsy store.
I also have a store at Zibbet which is still new and no sales yet but it is a free place to sell.
Always looking for new friends at twitter too. and I can become your friend on twitter.
Stop by one of our stores and have fun looking.
If anyone would like me to do a blog about their store, let me know as i would be glad to.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thanks Mom
One thing I have noticed is that online the single towels sell better and maybe that is because of the price, but at craft shows the doubles are our best selling ones
My Mom is no longer with us but I carry on in her memory and enjoy every minute of it.
If anyone needs a crocheted top towel and you don't see a pattern or color you like, as us as we may be able to get it for you.
While you are at the store, stop by and see my husbands jewelry. He is no longer going to make jewelry, so it is half price. He is now going to be selling his radio control airplanes instead.
Stop by our store at where you will not only find my items but some of the other local crafters.
Also stop by our Etsy store
and our zibbet store
Sometimes you just gotta tell the world yourself about your products. Thanks for listening. Any one wants to add links to there stores just jump right in.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Postivie Thinking
Even had the courage to open a Zibbet store and we will see where that goes.
In the meantime it has been exciting and fun each time you see a sale for your shop. They don't come often but you look forward to each one and know that with time and work the sales will grow.
I will keep trying Twitter, blogging, forums, passing out cards at shows, including thank you business cards in all packages and most of all using positive thinking for the days and days you check and find no sales.
Lets make this a successful year for all of us by working together.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cold Weather
Good time to stay in the house and try new craft projects and to visit the local craft stores and see what we just can't live without.
This is going to be a good year.
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Week, New Year
One of my goals is to increase my sales on both Etsy and Zibbet. That means working on pictures and listings to make them more interesting.
Signing up for lots of craft shows this year.
Learning that I have to use Twitter to get people looking at my items.
Trying out some new ideas for crafts.
Most of all to have fun doing all of the above and smiling as you open your email and see an order there.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Craft Shows
They offer you a chance to go out and meet the public and connect with other vendors and get feedback on your items from actual customers. I have picked up some good advice from customers.
Always ask the other vendors what shows are their best shows and which are their worst. They will always be glad to share with you and in return you share with them.
Most of the time, they will not have heard of Etsy and it is a chance to let them know.
I have business cards on the table with my website, my Etsy and my Zibbet store addresses on them. I put a thank you note in every bag with purchase. Because I do around 15 shows a year locally, some customers ask for my card and where my next show will be.
Your tables should look good and I use a twin sheet for table cloths so they all match. I use a navy but any color is good.
Take more inventory then you need and hope it sells. It is better to take home then run short.
Take lots of change with you.
I don't take credit cards because of all the fees and so far it has not hurt my sales. I am thinking about it.
One good tip is take some snacks and bottles of pop with you as you may not be able to go get food or you may not care for the food. Many places sell hot dogs and after a few shows you may be tired of hot dogs. Take bottled pop so you can set it down and it won't get knocked over onto your table and ruin things like a can of pop can.
You will probably need a state sales tax license to do most of the shows.
I do both the big juried shows and the smaller school and church shows. From experience, I can say that for me, the smaller low fee shows have less customers and less sales then the bigger juried shows at a higher price.
Just plan on having a good time and going home tired and with money in your pocket.
Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Years Day
Enjoy time with your family and friends.
Lets make 2010 the best year ever.
Tomorow we are going to talk about craft shows and if they work.